Editorial Board



Zhang Biange

PhD in Philology, Professor, Beijing International Studies University, 2 North Xisanhuan Avenue, 10089 Beijing, China.

Scopus AuthorID: 55802812400

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Valentina V. Borisova

DSc in Philology, Leading Researcher, "Fyodor Dostoevsky's Memorial Apartment", Vladimir I. Dahl State Museum of the History of Russian Literature, Trubnikovsky Lane 17, 121069 Moscow, Russia. Professor, Moscow State Linguistic University, Ostozhenka 38/1, 119034 Moscow, Russia. Professor, M. Akmullah Bashkir State Pedagogical University, Oktiabrskaia revoliutsiia st. 3A, 450008 Ufa, Russia.

SPIN-code: 9442-4896

RSCI AuthorID: 695607

Scopus AuthorID:56704783000


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Богданова ОА


Olga A. Bogdanova

DSc in Philology, Leading Researcher, Department of Russian Literature of the Late 19th – Early 20th Century, А.M. Gorky Institute of World Literature of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Povarskaya 25A, bld. 1, 121069 Moscow, Russia.

SPIN-code: 6157-0480

RSCI AuthorID: 276594

WoS ResearcherID: R-3292-2016

Scopus Author ID: 56113214000


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Pavel E. Fokin

Ph.D. in Philology, Deputy Director for Research, Head of the Department "Fyodor Dostoevsky's Memorial Apartment", Vladimir I. Dahl State Museum of the History of Russian Literature, Trubnikovsky Lane 17, 121069 Moscow, Russia.

SPIN-code: 8459-1741

RSCI AuthorID: 994790

WoS ResearcherID: MAI-4280-2025

Scopus AuthorID: 57350574300


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Anastasia G. Gacheva

DSc in Philology, Head Researcher, Department of Contemporary Russian Literature and Literature of the Russian Diaspora, А.M. Gorky Institute of World Literature of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Povarskaya 25A, bld. 1, 121069 Moscow, Russia.

SPIN-code: 8957-4637

RSCI AuthorID: 132974

WoS ResearcherID: U-1279-2017

Scopus AuthorID: 57195806419


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Maria Candida Ghidini

DSc in Philology, Professor, Department of Humanities, Social Sciences, and Cultural Enterprises, University of Parma, San Michele st. 9, 43100 Parma, Italy.

SPIN-code: 1705-5290

RSCI AuthorID: 921922

WoS ResearcherID: AAT-3868-2021

Scopus AuthorID: 57209883677


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Tatiana V. Kovalevskaya

DSc in Philosophy, Ph.D. in Philology (Yale University), Docent, Full Professor, European Languages Department, Institute of Linguistics, Russian State University for the Humanities,  Miusskaia Sq. 6,125993 Moscow, Russia.

SPIN-code: 2474-8820

RSCI AuthorID: 502597

WoS ResearcherID: JEO-2567-2023

Scopus AuthorID: 57197774415


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Alexander B. Krinitsyn

DSc in Philology, Associate Professor, Department of History of Russian Literature, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Leninskie gory 1, 119991 Moscow, Russia.

SPIN-code: 7490-4811

RSCI AuthorID: 356878

Scopus AuthorID: 58521371900


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Olga A. Meerson

DSc in Philology, Professor, Department of Slavic Languages, Georgetown University, 3700 O St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20057, USA.

Scopus ID: 57193326391


E-mail: meerson@yandex-ru 




Vadim V. Polonsky

DSc in Philology, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Director of the A.M. Gorky Institute of World Literature of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Head of the Department of Russian Literature of the Late 19th – Early 20th Century, А.M. Gorky Institute of World Literature of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Povarskaya 25A, bld. 1, 121069 Moscow, Russia.

SPIN-code: 4980-5894
RSCI Author ID: 411859

WoS ResearcherID: B-4611-2019
Scopus Author ID: 56989546900

ORCID ID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-0491-2088

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 Saraskina Lyudmila I. Saraskina

DSc in Philology, Leading Researcher, State Institute for Art Studies, Kozitskii Lane 5, 125009 Moscow, Russia.

SPIN-code: 9083-3790

RSCI AuthorID: 807414

WoS ResearcherID: AAS-8550-2021

Scopus AuthorID: 56936849700


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Olga V. Sedelnikova

DSc in Philology, Professor, Department of Russian Language, Tomsk National Research State University, Lenin Ave 36, 634050 Tomsk, Russia.

SPIN-code: 9586-3323

RSCI AuthorID: 431744

Scopus AuthorID: 57191889859

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Natalia A. Tarasova

DSc in Philology, Leading Researcher, Institute of Russian Literature (Pushkin House) of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 4 Makarova emb., 199034 St. Petersburg, Russia.

SPIN-code: 7053-6700

RSCI Author ID: 640490

Scopus Author ID: 57225373146 

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Boris N. Tikhomirov

DSc in Philology, Deputy Head for Research, Fyodor Dostoevsky Museum, Kuznechnyi Lane 5/2, 191002 St. Petersburg , Russia.

SPIN-code: 6347-3783

RSCI AuthorID: 602250

WoS ResearcherID: LNR-2526-2024

Scopus AuthorID: 57195804685

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Vladimir A. Viktorovich

DSc in Philology, Professor, Department of Russian Language and Literature, State Social and Humanitarian University, Zelenaia st. 30, 140411 Kolomna, Russia.

SPIN-code: 7400-6800

RSCI AuthorID: 168112

Scopus AuthorID: 57226158972

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Olga Yu. Yuryeva

DSc in Philology, Head of the Department of Philology and Methodology, Pedagogical Institute, Federal State-Founded Educational Institution of Higher Education “Irkutsk State University,” Sukhe-Batora 9, 664003 Irkutsk, Russia.

SPIN-code: 4623-6169

RSCI AuthorID: 838674

Scopus AuthorID: 58170165200

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